Aqua Milling and Hydro Jetting

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Aqua Milling and Hydro Jetting

Hydro jetting is a cleaning method used to clear pipes and remove clogs within them. High pressure water jets are employed to remove any sort of debris and build-up along the inner walls of the pipes. POLY-TECH offers hydro-jetting solutions for all magnitudes, be it small scale
or industrial scale.  We employ both 2D and 3D nozzles by using modern equipment and the latest water jet technology. Large-diameter process pipes from 6" to 60" in diameter can be cleaned using our unique 2D nozzles. It cleans up to 100 metres of pipe length, including bends and elbows, and operates at 10 or 20 kpsi with a controlled rotation of 50 to 150 rpm. Additionally, it can clean horizontal vessels up to 100 metres in length and 4.5 metres in diameter. Without the need for personnel to enter polluted vessels and reactors, our 3D nozzles can clean vertical vessels, tanks, and reactors that contain dangerous liquids. Cleaning is done at 3 axes (X, Y, and Z) with a regulated range of 100 to 250 RPM while operating at 10 kpsi @ 48 GPM water. Additionally, we use chemicals for decontamination and degreasing tasks at 10 bar pressure and flow rates of 100 m3/hr to 450 m3/hr. With extension nipples, cleaning is effective up to 11 metres in diameter
and up to 15 metres in diameter.