Online Fin Fan Cleaning and Furnace or Convection Chamber Cleaning
Foam cleaning of fin fans assures fouling is eliminated from all tube layers and offers almost
little danger of damaging aluminium fins. This method is suitable for all types of air fin coolers
and processes, as it provides the finest quality cleaning with work processes kept online.
When cleaning, forced-draft fans are kept running. Motors, insulation, and E&I are not harmed
by water, and furthermore, corrosion is not a concern.
We employ the crystal cleaning method. Specialized dry, soluble, crystal media to
decontaminate and clean the externals of the most challenging overhead air cooler systems.
Low-pressure compressed air is used to sweep the media across the fins, dislodging
environmental contaminants. The method is non-hazardous, causes no damage or distortion to
the fins, and is REACH compliant and safe. Its unique properties allow it to remove hardened
layers of calcium carbonate salt deposits with no waste generation.